I think we can revise ourselves. I think we do this every day we interact with anynone, or make a different decision than usual. In the spirit of new year, new thoughts, new ways, etc, I'd like to briefly revise yesterday's unfocused post about rumors, to revise myself a bit.
I think a better phrasing than "transphobic," which refers to the fear and active avoidance or suppression of the transgression / transcendence of gender norms, is "genitalia-centric." There are so many norms, and so many ways to flaut them. What irked me was really how, in the minds of the folks who make up the rumor mill, "trans" became "sex change operation," "gender issue" became "penis issue," etc. My lived experience, my present reality, perhaps even the novelty / rarity of there being a transsexual human being in the department, none of that mattered as much as the consequences that my trans-ness hypothetically enacts upon the future condition of my genitalia :S Hence, genitalia-centric as opposed to transphobic.
As per usual, I am a fan of dialogue. By asking questions, we can get closer to answers, and hence better know, better react to, better interact with, better exist within reality. Questions float around int he air until they are cleared up.
So. Any questions anyone wants to ask about my trans-gender-identity before moving on? What that means, how that manifests, when I knew, how I know, what this means for the future, medical stuffs, whatever, I will answer to the best of my ability.
Idea: Maybe I should make up an FAQ.
An FAQ is a great idea. Just want to let you know that how I see you/think of you hasn't changed. You are still fabulous you.